23rd Apr 2006
Why Should I Pray For Others?
[Pt II] Brother Pacer· Intercession: pleading on someone's behalf
[Ref: Deuteronomy 5:5; Job 16:21]
Interceding = standing between God and men (friends + loved ones)
4 'W's of Intercession
01/ WHY do I need to intercede?
A) God shows us the need for intercession through Jesus and the Holy Spirit
[Ref: Hebrews 7:24-25; Romans 8:26,27] - Jesus our permanent Priest who intercedes for us - The Holy Spirit helps us to intercede
B) God seeks faithful intercessors
[Ref: Ezekiel 22:30; Isaiah 59:16]
C) God honours intercessory prayer
[Ref: Genesis 18:23-32; Exodus 32:7-14; Acts 12:5-10; Psalm 106:23]
02/ WHO do I intercede for?
a) Government authorities
[Ref: 1 Timothy 2:1-2]
b) People of God
[Ref: Ephesians 6:18]
c) Spiritual leaders
[Ref: 2 Corinthians 1:11; Hebrews 13:8]
03/ WHAT makes a good intercessor?
a) Persistence and Patience
[Ref: Isaiah 2:6-7]
b) Faith
[Ref: Matthew 21:22] - Note: These two attributes MUST be consistently built up through your relationship with Christ.
04/ WHEN is intercession not needed?
- [Ref: Jeremiah 5:1,3; 11:14; 14:11] God told Jeremiah not to intercede for the Israelites because their hearts were so hardened that they didn't want to repent.
- APPLICATION? --> Intercede for others at all times [Ref: 1 Thessalonians 5:17]--> Stop praying only when God prompts you not to pray.
Freed because Christ died to set us free; 5:44 PM
1) Speedlight
Why Should I Pray For Others? [Pt I] Brother Pacer
· Prayer can be selfish it it's only centered around self eg. "God bless me!"
· God looks at your heart, the intention of the prayer.
Prayer checklist:
· 01/ Am I praying in line with God's Word?
- Pray in context, don't claim on the Word blindly. [Ref: Psalm 3]
Eg. David's prayer was during period of trial for Israel when enemies pursue the people of God.
--> God knew David's heart, thus He protected Israel.
· 02/ Am I praying with the wrong intentions?
- Prayer is not wrong, but the intentions may be. eg. pride
- God may not answer the prayer because He opposes the proud and gives grace to the humble. [Ref: Proverbs 3:34]
· 03/ What is Intercession?
- The act of praying for someone else's needs.
· If you love someone you'll want to pray for them.
· Praying for yourself is important, but praying for others is more important!
· [Ref: Genesis 13:12; 18:16-33]
· Abraham's intercession was not to waste, God sent 2 angels to protect Lot and his family out of Sodom although he destroyed the city because there wasn't even 10 righteous men as Abraham had bargained with God for.
· Sometimes we don't get the exact desired result from our prayers but God will still honour it.
· Therefore, we need to pray for our friends and loved ones!
· It's only when we intercede that our friends and loved ones have a chance! (esp. if they are not believers)
2) Good Friday Reflection

Good Friday has just passed. To some, it might be another day of public holiday. To others, it might just be a day to catch up with friends. How did you spend your Good Friday? We have a special attachment to this day because we commemorate Christ's death on the cross for our sins. Have we lived through Good Friday without spending a moment with God, thanking Him for His agape sacrifice? Stop all the 'doing' and shut yourself in your prayer closet, then take the moment now to think of His love for us that drove Him to the cross. His love so great that He rendered a painful sacrifice, much more than any human being could withstand, and yet He asked the Father to forgive before He committed Himself to death.
Our sins nailed Him to the cross. But the good news is, Jesus did not remain in the tomb forever. Can you imagine if Christ did not resurrect from the dead? We would all be in trouble being steeped in sin and living towards our eternal death.He rose again 3 days later. That is the good news. That is the reason why we are Christians, because our God is a living God. Death has been defeated. He has turned defeat into victory!
Live our lives everyday as if it was Easter then, remembering that "...Christ Jesus, who died - more than that, who was raised to life - is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us." (Romans 8:34) All the more, since Christ is interceding for us, we have no excuses not to share the good news and intercede for our loved ones and friends so that they will one day get to know the same marvellous God we all have come to know. Since Christ has the victory, there is power in our prayers!
We don't need a special day like Easter to share the Word, although Good Friday and Easter is a really good time to bring someone to Christ. But knowing that our God is an awesome living God who transcends boundaries and make miracles happen, let us pray and do our part to fulfill The Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20), even though Good Friday and Easter has passed us by!
"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
- Romans 8:38-39
Acknowledgements: http://speednewz.atspace.com
Freed because Christ died to set us free; 8:33 PM
1) Theme Of The Month

Prayer is essential for us to grow in the Lord. When we pray we move the hands of God. The impossible is made possible: mountains move, raging storms storms still, and the multitudes turn to God. All because there is power in prayer. Come join us in the Speedlight service in our journey to a life of intercession in the month of April!
"If my people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."
- 2 Chronicles 7:14
2) 2nd Apr 2006: Have You Been Praying?
- Brother Pacer
· [Ref: Matthew 6:1-8]
· 2 types of Christians:
01/ Seeks the face of God.
02/ Doesn't seek the face of God
· Seek God through prayer! There's no excuse adequate enough for a Christian not to pray.
· Why Christians don't pray? --> Their hearts are not in the right place with God.
· eg. King David: took 9 months to get back to God after committing the sin of adultery.
· Moses pitched a prayer tent. [Ref: Exodus 33:7]
· King Asa understood prayer... God is King over Israel, not Asa.
[Ref: 2 Chronicles 14:7, 14:11, 15:2]
· Seek God and He will find you. Forsake God and He will leave you.
· Because King Asa prayed and sought the Lord, there was 35years of peace in his reign.
· King Uzziah: only when he sought the Lord was he successful.
[Ref: 2 Chronicles 26]
· King Uzziah died a leper. Lepers are seen as 'unclean' outcasts.
· Therefore, pray! When God takes His hand from you, you're uncovered and prone to diseases / problems.
· Note to spiritual leaders - If there's no prayer, there's only failure. [Ref: Jeremiah 10:20-21]
· Key Verse: Matthew 6:6
· Go to your prayer closet to pray!
· Meanings of closet:
01/ place where you keep precious things.
02/ daily practical use.
03/ personal private space.
· Note: when you enter your prayer closet (secret place) and shut the door, only then you start praying.
· Significance of shutting the door --> getting away from all distractions
· If you pray and your heart's not in it, your prayer will not be answered.
· Not what you pray but how you pray.
· Not the place, but your heart.
Freed because Christ died to set us free; 5:14 PM
1) The Da Vinci Hoax by Pastor Rony Tan

Do you remember another book, Chariots Of The Gods, that was filled with wild conjectures aiming to undermine biblical authenticity?
It also had caused confusion among Christians and skepticism among non-believers. Today, this book has been disproved and discredited.
Dan Brown’s book will likely face the same fate as it contains numerous errors in historical art and biblical interpretation. The author is trying to present wicked imaginations as facts.
Date: 14 April 2006
Time: 10am
Venue: LET & LEW, the Sanctuary
This is the day for us to commemorate Christ's death on the Cross of Calvary & reflect on His sacrificial love. Come & partake of the Holy Communion together.
Freed because Christ died to set us free; 11:31 AM