Tuesday, November 15, 2005

CG event!

hey guys!

there will be an ice skating event open to all cg members on thursday, 24 November which is next week. pls tell the people ic (hannah or sarah) if you are going or not.

the place to meet is at JURONG EAST mrt station. just wear a tee and pair of jeans. AND SOCKS. or you can buy them there. but, bring ur own socks lah..haha..okay, rmb to bring $$. at least $10. for more info, call either hannah or sarah.

thanks a lot. hope to see you there! =)

P.S: if you have your own mittens pls bring them along. =)

Freed because Christ died to set us free; 1:19 PM

Thursday, November 10, 2005

A few things

Okay. hello people. firstly, thank you for fasting for sg's govt. =) i supposed you all received angeline's sms which told us what to pray for our nation.

here, i repeat the list.
  1. Govt will remain upright and competent
  2. Protection against terrorist acts and schemes of terrorists trying to attack sg will fail
  3. Protection against infectious illnesses/diseases [flu, dengue, etc.]
  4. Moral standards to be upheld in sg [gambling, etc]
  5. Breakthrough [you know this. revival.]

Enjoy praying. Remember praying is just like talking to God, your friend. And prayer works wonders! Your prayer can make a difference!

Oh yes. I almost forgot. Paul's brother is discharged! Praise God for He is good! =D

Thanks a lot!

` s a n

P.S: music added! its Here I am to Worship. enjoy. =)

Freed because Christ died to set us free; 10:24 AM