Monday, March 27, 2006
1) Holy Ghost MeetingDate: 31/3/2006
Venue: LEW & LET, the Sanctuary
2) The Da Vinci Hoax by Pastor Rony Tan
Date: 2/4/2006
Time: At all 4 main services (9am, 11am, 3pm & 7pm)
Venue: LEW & LET, the Sanctuary
This sermon on the Da Vinci will answer your questions on this matter. In addition, it can also equip you with e knowledge to answer ur loved ones who have read the book on Da Vinci.
Freed because Christ died to set us free; 4:15 PM
Friday, March 24, 2006
1) Miracle Service (25/3/2006)
- Pastor Rony will be preaching on the topic "Online Gaming Addiction" & there will be a featured testimony.
- I'll be going and will be having dinner @ 6pm @ either Macdonalds or Kou Fu. Those who are interested in going 4 MS, please inform me asap. Thanks & GOD bless!
Freed because Christ died to set us free; 8:51 PM
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Standing On GOD's Promises by
Brother Pacer Tan5 Great Promises Of GOD:
1)Promise of Truth
-Many christians who backslidded is because they no longer can feel GOD's touch
2)Promise of Discipleship
-A true disciple of Christ lives by truth & truth will set him/her free
-Truth gets us to the door of freedom but applied truth brings us into & past the door of freedom.
3)Promise of Restoration
4)Promise of mercy & grace
5)Promise of Rest
Scriptural References:
John 7:17
John 8:31-32
1 Peter 5:10
Hebrews 4:16
Matthew 11:28-29
CGMasterplan 4 SPEEDLIGHT's CGsT-Testimony
C-Coporate Prayer
Freed because Christ died to set us free; 7:56 PM
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Speedlight & other UPDATES

Event:Division CGs' Outreach
Venue:pavilion shelter near church
(P.S.pls meet @ 4.45pm outside church)
(P.S.For those who r gog 4 S.N.O.W,pls meet @ 6pm sharp @ Tampiness MRT control station)
Freed because Christ died to set us free; 3:23 PM
Sunday, March 12, 2006
1) S.N.O.W (Speedlight Night Of Worship)Venue: Lighthouse Evangelism Tampiness,the Sanctuary
Time: 7pm-9.30pm
How TO Get 2 LET?
- Take bus 969 towards Tampines Interchange from the bus stop opposite Admiralty MRT.
- From Tampines Interchange, take bus 293 (the one with the green bus sign at the bus queue).
- Alight at the 4th bus stop after the interchange (ouside St. Hilda's Primary School).
- Walk along the fence of St. Hilda's Primary School and you'll find Lighthouse Tampines at the end of the road.
Note: There are TWO bus queues for bus 293 from Tampines Interchange which goes TWO separate directions, so be sure to take the one with the green plate at the bus queue!) approx. duration of travel: 1hour, 15min (+ waiting)
Or, of course you can take the MRT to Tampines MRT then take 293... but it'll take you approx. 1 hour, 30min
For more info, please log on 2 SPEEDNEWZ @
2) Division CGs' OutreachVenue: Not yet confirmed, ask Angeline
Tme: 5pm-8pm
3) Holy Ghost MeetingVenue: LET & LEW, the Sanctuary
Time: 8pm
Date: 31 March 2006
Freed because Christ died to set us free; 7:39 PM
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Updates (Speedlight)
1)Theme Of March 2006

2) S.N.O.W

2)S.N.O.W (
P.S.Check it out!
Freed because Christ died to set us free; 5:03 PM
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Announcements:1) S.O.StOuCh a hEaRt,sAvE a sOuL =)
2) S.N.O.W (Speedlight Night Of Worship)17 March 2006
. 7pm
Attention, all youths! Come join us 4 a nite of dynamic Praise & Worship. Theme is UNIFY. Come & be BLESSED! Come & be REFRESHED!
Theme Of The Month: GOD's promises.Sermon: The Greatest Promise Ever by
Brother Pacer TanSalvation:
1) Saved by faith
2) Not saved by feelings
3) May experience doubts
4) Forgiven of all sins
5) Not perfect but forgiven
6) New creation
7) Promise of eternal life
8) Live for CHRIST
9) Need to go to church
10) Need to pray everyday
11) Read the Bible daily
12) Baptized in water
13) Live a holy life
14) Filled with e Holy Spirit
15) Evangelise
- Ever promise demands GOD's response
- Salvation: GOD did it all before we receive salvation
- Scriptural References:
John 3:16
2 Corinthians 5:7
Romans 10:9
1 John 1:9
Romans 8:1
2 Corinthians 5:17
Colossians 1:23
Hebrews 10:25
1 Thessalonians 5:17
Psalms 119:105
Acts 2:38
Matthew 29:19
Hebrews 12:14
2 Corinthians 7:1
Acts 1:8
Matthew 10:32-33
CGCheck out e latest 2nd blog by Freedom Cg!
Freed because Christ died to set us free; 5:43 PM
Monday, March 27, 2006
1) Holy Ghost MeetingDate: 31/3/2006
Venue: LEW & LET, the Sanctuary
2) The Da Vinci Hoax by Pastor Rony Tan
Date: 2/4/2006
Time: At all 4 main services (9am, 11am, 3pm & 7pm)
Venue: LEW & LET, the Sanctuary
This sermon on the Da Vinci will answer your questions on this matter. In addition, it can also equip you with e knowledge to answer ur loved ones who have read the book on Da Vinci.
---------------4:15 PM
Friday, March 24, 2006
1) Miracle Service (25/3/2006)
- Pastor Rony will be preaching on the topic "Online Gaming Addiction" & there will be a featured testimony.
- I'll be going and will be having dinner @ 6pm @ either Macdonalds or Kou Fu. Those who are interested in going 4 MS, please inform me asap. Thanks & GOD bless!
---------------8:51 PM
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Standing On GOD's Promises by
Brother Pacer Tan5 Great Promises Of GOD:
1)Promise of Truth
-Many christians who backslidded is because they no longer can feel GOD's touch
2)Promise of Discipleship
-A true disciple of Christ lives by truth & truth will set him/her free
-Truth gets us to the door of freedom but applied truth brings us into & past the door of freedom.
3)Promise of Restoration
4)Promise of mercy & grace
5)Promise of Rest
Scriptural References:
John 7:17
John 8:31-32
1 Peter 5:10
Hebrews 4:16
Matthew 11:28-29
CGMasterplan 4 SPEEDLIGHT's CGsT-Testimony
C-Coporate Prayer
---------------7:56 PM
Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Event:Division CGs' Outreach
Venue:pavilion shelter near church
(P.S.pls meet @ 4.45pm outside church)
(P.S.For those who r gog 4 S.N.O.W,pls meet @ 6pm sharp @ Tampiness MRT control station)
---------------3:23 PM
Sunday, March 12, 2006
1) S.N.O.W (Speedlight Night Of Worship)Venue: Lighthouse Evangelism Tampiness,the Sanctuary
Time: 7pm-9.30pm
How TO Get 2 LET?
- Take bus 969 towards Tampines Interchange from the bus stop opposite Admiralty MRT.
- From Tampines Interchange, take bus 293 (the one with the green bus sign at the bus queue).
- Alight at the 4th bus stop after the interchange (ouside St. Hilda's Primary School).
- Walk along the fence of St. Hilda's Primary School and you'll find Lighthouse Tampines at the end of the road.
Note: There are TWO bus queues for bus 293 from Tampines Interchange which goes TWO separate directions, so be sure to take the one with the green plate at the bus queue!) approx. duration of travel: 1hour, 15min (+ waiting)
Or, of course you can take the MRT to Tampines MRT then take 293... but it'll take you approx. 1 hour, 30min
For more info, please log on 2 SPEEDNEWZ @
2) Division CGs' OutreachVenue: Not yet confirmed, ask Angeline
Tme: 5pm-8pm
3) Holy Ghost MeetingVenue: LET & LEW, the Sanctuary
Time: 8pm
Date: 31 March 2006
---------------7:39 PM
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
1)Theme Of March 2006

2) S.N.O.W

2)S.N.O.W (
P.S.Check it out!
---------------5:03 PM
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Announcements:1) S.O.StOuCh a hEaRt,sAvE a sOuL =)
2) S.N.O.W (Speedlight Night Of Worship)17 March 2006
. 7pm
Attention, all youths! Come join us 4 a nite of dynamic Praise & Worship. Theme is UNIFY. Come & be BLESSED! Come & be REFRESHED!
Theme Of The Month: GOD's promises.Sermon: The Greatest Promise Ever by
Brother Pacer TanSalvation:
1) Saved by faith
2) Not saved by feelings
3) May experience doubts
4) Forgiven of all sins
5) Not perfect but forgiven
6) New creation
7) Promise of eternal life
8) Live for CHRIST
9) Need to go to church
10) Need to pray everyday
11) Read the Bible daily
12) Baptized in water
13) Live a holy life
14) Filled with e Holy Spirit
15) Evangelise
- Ever promise demands GOD's response
- Salvation: GOD did it all before we receive salvation
- Scriptural References:
John 3:16
2 Corinthians 5:7
Romans 10:9
1 John 1:9
Romans 8:1
2 Corinthians 5:17
Colossians 1:23
Hebrews 10:25
1 Thessalonians 5:17
Psalms 119:105
Acts 2:38
Matthew 29:19
Hebrews 12:14
2 Corinthians 7:1
Acts 1:8
Matthew 10:32-33
CGCheck out e latest 2nd blog by Freedom Cg!
---------------5:43 PM
Well, we will be singing christian songs, praising the Lord, sharing about what happened during the week,
giving testimonies and of course,we would be having bible study. We will be going a little quickly because we have to complete all the
chapters. But, as a guest, you can go along with us. You need not worry about anything.
Just be yourself, everyone in the cell grp is very approachable. :)
Its alright if you are not a Christian, you can always learn more. You do not have to bring anything,
just bring a pen n a blank piece of paper if you want to. If you have a bible, please bring it along.
We would normally go to Mcdonalds for lunch and then proceed to Speedlight. If you do not want to go for lunch, you can go home. But it would be better if you can join us. :)
Speedlight is our church's service for the youths. We have Praise and Worship followed by some annoucements then it will be offering time.
Next, either Brother Pacer or a pastor will share the sermon (You can bring a pen and a notebook for this) You are warmly welcome to join us. =)
On special days like salvation sundays, there will be many interesting programmes lined up for you. Do keep a lookout for it. :) By the way, Speedlight's purpose statement is:
Speedlight exists to save young people, to please God through passionate service,to exalt His name in all circumstances, to enjoy caring for one another and to disciple Speedlighters to be more like Christ.
Have we answered your questions and doubts? If not, just tag in the tagboard on your right and tell us what information you would want to know and we shall reply as soon as possible. If you have any suggestions, you can also tag to tell us. Thanks. :)